Replace ISA
Federal Constitution, Article Five (5) on Liberty of the person says, “No Person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with law.” The article was the confirmation on the basic liberty guaranteed by the highest law of the country to the Malaysian. In what ever circumstances, Article 5 shall be defended without any prejudice.
Internal Security Act 1960 was drafted by a British man to counter the communist insurgency threat. The objective of the law was to prevent any subversive and organised violence. While the act was drafted, it’s never cross the English man mind, one day, his law will be used for political purpose. As far as the ISA was used to counter subversive activity the detention will not make the heading for any printed or electronic media but when the law was imposed on political and selective detention, people start to question the motive behind the detention order.
The authority decision to detain the reporter, blogger and Y.B.Teresa Kok last week has provocated a huge protest from civil community. The dissenting voices even came from the highest policy making body. The de-facto law minister has tendered his resignation and said his decision is final. The protest was huge because the civil community believe the authority have no justification to detain three of them. I always believe on freedom as a citizen of this country and definitely I don’t agree with the political and selective detention if it’s true. A threat to ruling party shall not be considered as a threat to national security.
Personally I believe now is right time to replace ISA with the "Counter Terrorism Act" and "Anti-Discrimination Act". The first act will deal only with subversive elements and the latter will in-charge of race, religion, unity, etc.