Plots To Assassinate Fidel Castro
Between 1960 and 1965, the CIA was involved in eight White House-authorized plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, leader of communist Cuba. Communist Cuba was considered a particular threat to the United States due to its close proximity. Equipment and such materials as poisons were provided by the CIA Technical Server Division. Some plots went no further than the planning stage; others progressed further but none resulted in a serious assassination attempt. One plot twice reached a point at which poison pills were sent to Cuba and agents were despatched to carry out the task.In another plot, weapons were furnished to a Cuban dissident. There was even a plan to impregnate one of Castro's cigars with deadly botulism bacili. Non-lethal attacks were planned, aimed at destroying Castro's credibility with the Cubans. Such projects included putting thallium salt in his boot to make his beard fall out and spraying him with hallucinatory drugs while he made a broadcast to the Cuban nation. [Extracted From Ultimate Spy]