"I Have A Dream Today"

28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, The Late Martin Luther King. Jr delivered his speech “I Have A Dream Today.” He said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” After 25 years, American have endorsed King’s dream. American elected Barack Obama, the first African-American as their 44th president, shattering the last great racial barrier in American politics. Barrack Obama win the heart of American’s because he presented the policy for the entire American irrespective of colour, race, religion or origins of ancestor’s. He promised, he will deliver for all American and he promised to present the new America not only to American’s but to the world.
Obama’s victory definitely will change the perceptions not only in American's mind but to the world politics. People want the policy which can work for all the citizens and not for a certain community or discriminative policy. American deserved the standing ovation for electing a president by the content of his character and the one who promised the new America.
Totally agree with you Rave, I was overwhelm when Obama won. Imagine now, he a black man ruling the world. The world Ravee, the UN, PBB, World Bank what ever you named it and he has total control by being the president of the strongest nation. He has the final saying for everything. Yet he comes from the minority group that was once ill-treated just because of their skin color.
I love America and love why people of America are so proud of their country. I love the changes they accept and how they move forward and not holding on to their past. The salute should not only to Mr obama but the whole 60% of the nation that voted for him….
uncle sam would be so proud of them...