Who will speak for Tamil community in Sri Lanka? ~ malaysiakini

[update: 14012009 / 22:07] My article was published in Malaysiakini. You can read at http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/96421
Peace lover stand united against the Israeli’s attacks in Gaza, they want the Israeli’s army to back-off from Palestinian’s land and their leaders brought to International Court for war criminal or genocide. Palestinian deserves a sovereign state. It was decided by the United Nations a few decades ago unfortunately the decree by UN was never implemented by the Security Council. Today I can hear so many voices from world leaders for the treaty to be established for permanent peace in Gaza. I fully agreed with the call for permanent peace. The Palestinian struggle is not a religious issues but it’s a humanitarian issue. The “rights to exist” is not only for the Israeli’s but Palestinian’s too deserve to exist.
While we were shadowed with Palestinian issue, do not forget about another in-humanity war against the Tamil community in Sri Lanka. The world have closed their both eyes on Sri Lanka ethnic war and even after so many call’s for truce between the Tamil advocators and the state government, nothing come close for the peace. While the State government have successfully taken over the separatist de-facto capital, the town of Ki'linochchi the call for peace was push aside since the state was very confident to wipe out the separators from the land. I’m wondering who will speak for the Tamil community in Sri Lanka? Why we do not dare to speak for them even though it’s an open secret, the state government are going after the Tamil civilians and terrorising their daily life? The war in Sri Lanka was not about the Tamil or Sinhalese but another humanitarian issue. If the world closed their both eyes, who will speak for Tamil community?
In conventional method, the war shall be between the army to army and not army to civilians. It’s totally different in north Sri Lanka territory which was predominantly occupied by Tamil community. The territory was the tourist destination once upon time but today the war has changed the region to graveyard for Tamilian’s. There are tangible evidence on genocide in this territory and the remains are suffering from the state prejudice unfortunately the world not bothered about it. As far as the rights to exist and to practice their rights as Tamil community denied until then the war will continue and the separators will prevail even though the state army have successfully bring the whole territory under their control. [source for picture's was from various on-line media]
Who will speak for Tamil community in Sri Lanka?