Internal Security Act 1960
[updated: 06082009 / 17:33] The Internal Security Act 1960 or well known as ISA is an act established with the intention to safeguard the internal security of Malaysia. It was a preventive detention to overcome the organised violence against persons and property in specified areas of Malaysia. It was established in Parliament during the communist insurgency but then later ISA was used to counter the extremist and to maintain the law and order.
Some believe ISA is outdated draconian law which is a tool for ruling party to grab on power. Well I don’t deny there are at certain time the ruling party have abused or miss-used ISA to safeguard their political power but let’s analyze ISA in broader context. ISA is not about politics but it is about the nation’s security. While South East Asian members thought, JI is finished two bombs exploded in Jakarta recently. Nine innocent civilian’s life gone and so far no one brought to court to seek justice. Nordin Mat Top was put on highest wanted list but so far no proper evidence to prove he was the man behind the attack (the only evidence left was similar modus operandi used by Mat Top). The damage for the country was undeniable and it will take another few years to overcome the fear and damages. The incident shows no nations can pro-claims their soil is safe.
Even in Malaysia, we have various incidents occurred due to the violence activities from terrorist organization such as Al-Maunah, Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia, Darul Islamiyah, Jemmah Islamiyah Mantiq Malaysia etc. Many of the members was detained under the ISA to safeguards the innocent’s life. Are we going to wait until the damages occurred or better to prevent the damages?
The only strategy to overcome the damages is preventive law. The prevention is far much better rather than hunting the terrorist after the damages was done. It shows any country need the preventive law to counter the violence, terrorist and terrorism. ISA was draft with the only intention to prevent the violence.
Political climate has changed and authority cannot deny the people’s aspiration to object the form of detention without the proper room for justice especially when the detention order is politically motivated. The objection was clearly shown by supporters of Gerakan Mansuh ISA (GMI) last week Saturday. The number of participants was huge and it’s clearly transpired the people’s aspiration for the new preventive law.
I do believe its timely now, the authority to reform ISA to “Counter Terrorism Act” (CTA) which involved only terrorist and terrorism issues and no more political detention. We have various other preventive laws such as “Seditious Act”, “Printing Act” etc. The remaining law is more than enough to counter the political issues. CTA even though will be a preventive law yet all the rooms to seek justice must prevail.
I strongly believe we need the CTA as a replacement for ISA but do not ever reject preventive law totally as it will be a great mistake which all the Malaysian will have to bear the cost. This is my personnel opinion and was posted to my blog purely from security perspective nothing to do with politics.