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Happy Independence Day
[updated: 11:21 / 28082009] Wishing all of you Happy Independence Day (31st August 1957). This year is 52 years of independence. Independence day was widely celebrated by government and citizens but due to A-H1N1 pandemic the celebrations for this year will be on smaller scale at "Tugu Negara". Slogan for this year was "Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan" (People First, Performance now).
Irrespective of race, religion or political believe, malaysian should stand united to celebrate this special day since our forefathers put their defferences aside and demand for the freedom to rule this country on our own way. Remember this is the only country that we have, in whatever circumstances we shall not put our self back even one single step on defending our mother land sovereignty. Once again, Happy Independence Day.
it is realy very nice blog,