Don't Ignore the call for CHANGE
Japan politics shows a major political reform when Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) governing by itself or in coalition with others for nearly half century lost to the 10 years old Democratic Party of Japan’s (DPJ) in August 2009 general election. Growing dissatisfaction, falling political popularity and failure to re-strategies the state’s declining economy has given a historic opportunity to the DPJ. The DPJ’s political victory shows no political party should believe they are indispensable from the corridor of power. I believe LDP fail not because they have no capability to administer the country but the major factor was due to the failure to understand the voters taste. Japanese political analysts believe LDP has failed to respond to the fundamental changes in Japanese society. The political aspirations of individual has changed, the world and domestic expectation has changed and people generally wanted a change unfortunately LDP failed to understand the people’s aspirations. When the political master failed to understand the people’s aspirations then they will end-it-up as what has transpired in august election. There is a lesson to learn for political masters in Malaysia. The change is the people’s aspirations and do not ignore the call for CHANGE otherwise you will end-it-up like LDP.