Noordin Mohammed Top Dead?

[updated: 18092009 / 10:29] Indonesian Police said based on finger prints evidence one of the four body recovered was belongs to Nordin Mat Top. Any how they are waiting for final DNA report. Indonesia Police Chief said, Nordin Mat Top body was among 4 who died in a raid on a suspected militant hideout in Indonesia's Central Java province today. Those killed included Susilo (renter of the home), Bagus Budi Pranoto@Urwah (top associate of Mat Top) and Maruto, bomb maker specialist. All 4 body was sent to hospital for DNA test and identification. If it's confirmed then the raid was major blow to the JI splinter group but the doubts still prevail whether this is the end for terrorist and their violence activity in South East Asia especially Indonesia. The sole survivor was a pregnant lady currently under intense security in hospital. [Picture source: The Australian]