Sri Lanka was never a “model democracy”
Sri Lanka was never a “model democracy” since its independence in 1947 and I don't think it will be in future after the worst atrocities committed against the Tamilians. The struggle for a Separate State (Eelam) started since the colonial power took over the administration of Kandyan Kingdom in 1815. Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon, was ruled by 3 kingdoms when the Portuguese arrived in 1506. The Sinhala King Parakramabahu ruled Kotte in the south populated by Sinhalese people. There was a King in Kandy in the central highlands populated by Sinhalese to whom Tamil feudal Vanniar chieftain in Batticaloa in the east paid tribute and there was a Tamil Jaffna Kingdom ruled by Pararajasegaran.
It is historically proven that there was no unitary state when European colonial powers arrived in Ceylon. Portuguese ruled Ceylon for 50 years and 150 years thereafter the country was ruled by the Dutch but Ceylon was never ruled as a unitary state. Principally, each kingdom was administered separately. The British later took over the administration and based on minutes of Sir Hugh Cleghorn the British Colonial Secretary in 1976, it is evident that two different nations, entirely different in their religion, language and manners, lived in Ceylon at that time. The minute was supported by the island map prepared in 1857 by John Arrowsmith. It’s very unfortunate that even though British rulers administered the country justly they omitted the sovereignty of Tamil nation by creating a unitary state when independence was declared for Ceylon in 1947. Sovereignty was retained by the British Queen from 1948 to 1972 and the root of the problem started after Sinhala dominated legislature unilaterally declared Ceylon as a Republic state with Sinhala only policy.
Sinhala only policy discriminated the minority Tamils and denied their social, economy and political rights which were guaranteed by the law. Since then Tamilians stood firm to safeguard their culture and religion. Peaceful platform which was the ideology of Tamilians was countered with well planned pogroms in 1958, 1971 and the worst was in 1983 which thousands of innocent Tamilians were killed. Even today, after the mass killings of innocent civilians in the recent war on Vanni, those who are in power refuse to let go their draconian attitude.
Though Tamilians adopted all non-violent means in their struggle for liberation they only received humiliation not only from the state armed forces but even from the ordinary Sinhala citizens. Tamilians were not given a single space to take breath and they were pushed to declare the demand for a separate state called Eelam through Vadukoddai Resolutions in 1976. The resolution for a separate and independent state was approved by Tamil masses in 1977 general election and that was the last free election. Tamilians did not chose the armed struggle but they were not left with any other option due to the state terrorism unleashed on them.
Now after more than 30 years, with the military assistance from China, a nation which does not give due respect for human rights and intelligence assistance from India, the Government of Sri Lanka successfully defeated the military struggle of Tamilians for and independent separate state. Mere military defeat does not mean the end of a people’s struggle for independence and this reality is not at all recognized. Timor-Timor is a classic example to prove this case.
Today the so-called humanitarian mission to rescue the mass civilians is diverted to those detained in Sri Lanka Army internment camps. Thousands of innocent civilians are behind barbed wire without the freedom of movement in the name of screening the separatist cadres. Unfortunately the International Community is not doing enough or is very slow in taking necessary measures to relieve the suffering of the interned Tamils or to resettle them in their own places. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is a United Nations treaty based on Universal Declaration of Human Rights, created on 16 December 1966 and entered into force on 23March 1976. According to this treaty detaining Internally Displaced Persons (IDP's) violates UN treaty yet GOSL was given free hand without any intervention from international community.
However, Sri Lanka government says that it cannot find a political solution to the Tamil people’s problems because of the existence of so called terrorists. Since the GOSL has declared its victory over the Liberation Tigers there is no more justification to delay the political devolution to Tamilians. Whether Sri Lanka will be in peace or otherwise entirely depends on the political will of the present leadership of Sri Lanka to devolve political power for Tamilians.
Any failure to empower the Tamilians will create more chaos in country. The ball of political solution is now within GOSL court and its leadership holds the key for long term peace solutions. How they use it will determine the future not only for Tamilians but also the future of Sri Lanka and its citizens.
Meanwhile, International Community must urge GOSL to act in accordance with the UN treaty.