India and Pakistan will go to WAR again?

Pakistan National Comman Authority (NCA) that oversees the country's nuclear assets warned that India continued to pursue militarisation programme with high level offensive military doctrines. Advanced weapon system, installation of anti ballistic missiles and nuclear arsenal systems tend to destabilise the region. NCA further said "Pakistan cannot be oblivious to these developments." India and Pakistan have blood relationship yet they couldn't negotiate the peace settlement. India surrounded by his enemy and they have no option other than developing massive weapons of mass destruction as deterrent strategy. I believe the "Defence Diplomacy" concept will be very useful to low down the tension between this two neighbours. Round table negotiation will be the right platform to bargain for peace treaty. But then the peace treaty is not that easy as i put it in a few sentence. I believe India and Pakistan will go to war again before they sign a peace agreement which will last longer.


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