why for Sri Lanka, India is indispensable

Recently Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka, formerly Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies of the National University of Singapore. In his interview appeared in Lakbima News, he explains why for Sri Lanka, India is indispensable. The Full article was published in http://www.colhariharan.org/ . Col Hari Haran is a retired Military Intelligence officer of the Indian Army with nearly three decades of service.

The below was my comments for Dr.Dayan's interview;

1. Generally I believe Dr.Dayan agreed for autonomy but will GOSL accept his opinion?

2. GOSL has win the military war since the state power was supported by other world actors especially India during the war. But the reality was GOSL lost the ground since the end of war due to their thick sinhalese policy. For past 30 years GOSL said they can't implement any political solutions due to the on-going separatism activity. Since the war is over past one year, where is the political solutions?

3. Lee Kuan Yew said "Rajapaksa extremism cannot be changed and I don't think they [Tamils] are going to be submissive or go away." This is the reality and just matter of time for another crisis to burst. Its really shame, when GOSL cant even honour his own man who lead the army then how are they going to devolute the political power to Tamil's who they only see as terrorist?


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