Extraction from Global Terrorism Index Report 2014

1. According to the Global Terrorism Index Report (GTIR), terrorist activities in 2013, increased significantly with the total number of casualties rose to 17,958 from 11,133 in 2012,  a 61 percent increase.

2. Over the same period, the number of countries that experienced more than 50 deaths rose from 15 to 24. This highlights that not only is the intensity of terrorism increasing, its breadth in increasing as well.

3. Over 80 percent of the lives lost to terrorists activities in 2013 occured in only five countries, namely Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Syria. Whilst at least one death was recorded in 53 countries from terrorists activities.

4. The reports also said that five fold increase in the records of deaths, due to terrorism, rising from 3,361 in 2000 to 17,958 in 2013.

5. GTIR also highlighted that 13 countries are at being risk of violence. These countries are Angola, Bangladesh, Burundi, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Iran, Israel, Mali, Mexico, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Uganda.

6. The two most successful strategies for ending terrorist group since late 1960’s have been either policing or the initiation of a political process. These strategies were the main reason for the ending of over 80 percent of terrorist organisations that ceased operation. Only 10 percent of terrorist group could be said to have achieved their goals and approximately only seven percent were eliminated by full military engagement.

7. Four most cruel organisations that claimed 66 percent of terrorist attack in 2013 are ISIL, Boko Haram, Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Wahhabi Islam are key commonality for all four groups.

8. The ten countries ranked at the top of the 2014 Global Terrorism Index are Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, Somalia, India, the Philippines, Yemen and Thailand.

9. Over the past 14 years there has been a large increase in religion as the motivator for terrorists actions. However, in 2000, nationalist separatist movements were a more prominent motivation for terrorism than religion. Political and national separatist aims are still a significant driving force of terrorism but unlike religion that have seen comparatively little change over period.

10. Among the ASEAN members Philippines was ranked at number 9, Thailand at 10, Indonesia at 31, Myanmar at 35, Malaysia at 48, Laos at 113, Singapore and Vietnam ranked at 124. Total countries included in this global index were 124 countries. Brunei and Cambodia was not included in the index report. (I do not know the reason for no inclusion of these two countries)

Source:  Global Terrorism Index Report 2014


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