Is it true? I beg to differ...

TDM and group of Cabinet Ministers made five days visit to People's Republic of China from 17 to 21 Aug, 2018. This is the maiden visit to China by TDM after taking over the Putrajaya from the previous regime. At the end of the visits, TDM announced the cancellation of multi-billions mega projects; East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) and two pipeline projects due to country fiscal position. For record all the projects went to Chinese contractors. 

Politicians from opposition bench claimed that the official visit of TDM was failed to strengthen the diplomatic ties and PM did not bring back any good news for Malaysians. Is it true? I beg to differ...

i. When we speak about foreign policy, its country national interest that the Government of the day need to protect, either through bilateral or multilateral platform. We were among the earliest in Southeast Asia to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing, however, that does not mean that we need to compromise our national interest. To continue or to put a full stop on multi-billions projects were a decision made on country fiscal position and that has nothing to do with a diplomatic relationship. Multi-billions projects were a business to business relationship, not government to government;

ii. TDM firm decision to stop mega projects does send a signal to outside world that Malaysian government will not compromise its national interest and will never bow to any foreign power for the sake of receiving investments;

iii. Cancelling all three mega projects will safe Malaysia from huge debts as the projects may not necessarily bring enough revenues in the future. Simple logic question is how many of us are travelling to east coast by using public transport? Pipeline projects are for domestic consumption, not for international consumers. The contractor was hand picked by the then administration and they were paid by timeline, not by the percentage of works completed. As the result despite only 13 percents of works has been completed but huge amount was already transferred to the contractor's account. Does that sound as a good business deal? The Government final say to put a full-stop on these huge debts is a logic decision;

iv. According to TDM, five days visit has cleared some misunderstanding between Putrajaya and Beijing. Beijing by now should have accepted the fact that we need to be financially sound before considering multi-billions projects.

Looking at the above justification, I do believe that the government has done the most logic decision based on our national interest. For one or two opposition members who are harping as the visit is a fail one, I do understand that they are trying their level best to be in opposition bench members. My advice is please use your logic and don't under estimate peoples' intelligence as you used to do while sitting in government bench in the past.


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