Batu Putih or Pedra Branca

Batu Putih / Pedra Branca (Middle Rocks)
The International Court of Justice will deliver its judgement on Pulau Batu Putih / Pedra Branca on Friday, May 23rd 2008. The judgement will close a 28 year old bilateral disputes between Malaysia and Singapore over the small island, home to Hosburgh Lighthouse which was built by British between 1847 to 1851. Strategically it's very important to have the ownership of this light house because it commands the entire eastern approach to the Straits of Singapore which almost 900 ships pass daily.
The Singapore delegation comprises Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Law Professor S. Jayakumar, Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong, Attorney-General Chao Hick Tin, and Ambassador-at-Large Professor Tommy Koh, who is also serving as the Agent of Singapore for this case. They are accompanied by senior government officials. The Singapore delegation also comprises an experienced team of international legal Counsel, namely, Mr Ian Brownlie Q.C., Professor Alain Pellet, Mr Rodman Bundy and Ms Loretta Malintoppi.
[updated: 17:21 / 13 May 2008] Malaysian delegation comprises Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Mohamad, Agent of Malaysia and Adviser for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Noor Farida Ariffin, Co-Agent of Malaysia, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Attorney General of Malaysia, Sir Datuk Elihu Lauterpacht QC Emeritus, Director Lauterpacht Centre University of Cambridge, Professor Datuk James Crawford SC, FBA Counsel, Director of the Lauterpacht Centre University of Cambridge, Professor Datuk Nicolaas Jan Schrijver, Counsel Professor of Public International LawFaculty of Law, Leiden University, Professor Marcelo Kohen, Counsel Head of International Law UnitUniversity of Geneva, Ms Penelope Nevill, CounselFellow, Lauterpacht Centre University of Cambridge
Let's read Malaysian side of story. Malaysian said the island lies 7.7 nautical miles (nm) from the Malaysian mainland but 25.5 nm over the sea from Singapore. Pulau Batu Puteh is, and has always been, part of the Malaysian State of Johor. Singapore’s presence on the island for the sole purpose of constructing and maintaining a lighthouse there – with the permission of the territorial sovereign, Johor.
Meaning that, Malaysia give permission to Singapore to maintain the light house but then after 1980's, Singapore government have sent a diplomatic note to protest Malaysia's new map which says the island belong's to Malaysia. If I rent the house from Peter then I'm only the tenants and what ever I wont be able to call my self as a landlord but then in Pulau Batu Putih case, it's totally different . The tenants says, the island belongs to them. So in September 1994, Malaysia and Singapore agreed to end coffee shop argument by referring the case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). It's good decision. What ever we are neighbours and no point to deliver the commando's to win the game. Since we gave the ICJ full power to decide whether it's Pulau Batu Putih or Pedra Branca, then we must toe the line when ICJ deliver their decision on May 23rd, 2008.
I hope you guys/gals will read more on this issues from both countries foreign ministry web pages for better understandings.


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