Ethnic Conflicts?

Why is ethnic identity conducive to severe conflict? What are the goals of ethnic conflicts? What are the causes, dynamics, and consequences of ethnic conflict? Who benefits from ethnic conflicts; and why?
During the colonial era, Colonial powers have strategies to utilize the segmentation of ethnic groups to their advantage. The divide-and-rule policies of colonial administrators assured the docility of different ethnic groups and thus shielded them from the menace of insurrection. It’s was feasible to divide ethnic groups and pit them against each other so that they could focus their energies on fighting one another rather than overthrowing colonial governments. When the community was not united then it’s far easier for the colonial power to concentrate on their motive and agenda.
When the colonist declared the Independence the elites and those in power have continue the divide and rule strategy to remain in office. Elites and those in power is the main beneficiary of ethnic conflict in post Independent. For example, in Liberia, the members of the ruling group and other elites benefited from the antagonistic relations of African-Liberians and American-Liberians. Even in Malaysia, race and religion was part of the politics. However in 12th GE, voters have voted beyond the race and religion. Of course it’s too early to come to conclusion that voters have done away the race based politics but then it can be a starting up for the new dimension of domestic politics.
As a human being we must learn how to be a good neighbour. GOD create human's with different culture and religion with a reason; to learn and to live together. Unfortunatley we are not learning but killing one another in the name of race and religion.