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The lesson to learn
Monarchy system was one of the oldest institutions in the world and lately the numbers of this institution are decreasing. The latest ousted was the only Hindu King in the world, Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev which have 240 years of history. Once upon time, Nepalese praise the King as equal to GOD but then the King took the loyalty for granted. While the King was having a luxury life, Nepalese was living in poverty. Nepal is a member of the poorest country in the world. Since the king left no option to the Nepalese they stand united together with Maoist to say “NO” to the monarchy institution. It’s a great lost for the country but then the Nepalese have no option. To survive they have to reform and they start with the monarch. After the King deposed, now Nepalese rule the country. Hopefully the people’s administration will bring reform to the country and help the poor people to sustain. The securities of Nepal now lean on the people’s government. Nepal will prosper if the government honour the peoples wish otherwise the country will go to chaos. Malaysian and its leaders have more valuable facts to learn from the Nepal Monarchy Institution. Failure to learn their mistakes might have impact on Malaysian history.