Preah Vihear Temple; Thailand vs Cambodia
Thailand army taking place in temple

[updated: 24 July 2008/ 017:25] UN Security Council has call the emergency meeting next week to discuss and decide the next action since the disputes between Thailand and Cambodia are rising. Both country's deployed a huge military battalion as a precaution. Preah Vihear 900 year old temple awarded to Cambodia by ICJ in 1962 and since then the relationship among two neighbours was not improving. ''The real temple was built in 1436 with a 72-metre-long staircase with 162 steps."
Preah Vihear temple became as a centre point for the rising of disputes between Thailand and Cambodia. The border of both countries was filled with the army batallion after Unesco approved Cambodia's application for World Heritage Site status for Preah Vihear. Samak Sundaravej, Thai PM said agreed with the Cambodian application as a exchange for the business contracts. The decision did not go down well among the citizens and they start to protest the decision.
Cambodia and Thailand dispute sections of historic boundary with missing boundary markers; Cambodia claims Thai encroachments into Cambodian territory and obstructing access to Preah Vihear temple ruins awarded to Cambodia by ICJ decision in 1962; as part of a planned UN World Heritage site. The dispute over 4.6 square kilometres of land near the Preah Vihear temple escalated earlier this month when UNESCO approved Cambodia's application to have the complex named a World Heritage Site. More than 4,000 army have been deployed surrounding the area. UN Security Council shall look into this matter immediately. Although both country’s located within the ASEAN territorial, I’ don’t think ASEAN will interfere if war occur between two countries. ASEAN non-interference policy is major obstacle and the members shall re-visit the policy since it’s not helping ASEAN to move forward. My hope; both neighbours will settle the dispute diplomatically and not by bombs. GOD wants subscribers to build “GOD HOUSE” to preach the peace not to wage the war. [end]