Operation Mongoose

In 1961, Attorney General Robert Kennedy and the Whitehouse directed CIA to eliminate Cuban leader Fidel Castro and his government. The plan was code-named Operation Mongoose. Despite Kennedy's personal involvement at all levels, the plan did not result in Castro's overthrow. Faced with the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, Kennedy instructed that the operations against Cuba be stopped in the fear that the Soviets might use them as an excuse to justify installing nuclear weapons in Cuba. [Extracted From Ultimate Spy]


CheRyL said…
Hie! =) I cannot comment because I'm not so smart and I am more of a PR person. hahahaha..

But i will still read ur blog
raveendran nair said…
Hie Cheryl... to win the heart of people to counter the terrorism we need a good PR practioner. May be you can say something on that matter.

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