Astro Awani 501

[update: 02122008 / 23:19] I was really pisst-off with Astro Awani 501. I watched Awani 501 discussion/news channel aftermath the Mumbai attacks and I’m really disappointed with the programme justifying the attacks with the India Federal Government policy towards Kashmir and minority Muslim’s in India. The discussion was convoluted and the attack was legitimised as though India deserve the attacks for the wrong policy. The panels fail to face the reality the violence, terrorist and terrorism is not belongs to any community or religion and it should not be used as a tool to advocate the justice. In what ever circumstance killing an innocent is unacceptable irrespective of race or religion. Nearly two hundred of innocent dead and among them there was a huge number of Muslims too. Do they deserve to be gun-down? A terrorist is a terrorist and do not justify their cruel act with any justification. India might have a wrong policy on Kashmir’s continent but what that got to do with the The Late Hema Kasipillay? What that got to do with Singaporean’s and other innocent foreign tourist and civilians? Terrorist gun-down innocent civilians as though no body business and this channel were producing the justification with no humanity.


Anonymous said…
I agree with shubasini. Many public sector employee,including some politicians are very narrow minded when they discuss about religious issues.

I did came across one blogger writing that Malaysia is not considered as an Islamic country just because the Lord Murugan Statue has been erected and standing tall in the Batu Caves compound.

Let us be open and analyse issues from many perspectice,particularly the issues concerning faith of one particular religion.

I agree with Subahsini that no religion,including Islam, teaches its followers to be cruel to followers of other faith.We must not blame the religion for the atrocity caused by some mad and ill cultured people.Lets appreciate the universal values found in all religions.!

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