JI Militant Released

Three alleged members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militant group released after they were held for more than five years without trial. The detainee's only known as Suhaimi Mokhtar, Mohammad Khider Kadran and Zaini Zakaria, held under Malaysia's Internal Security Act (ISA), were freed from the northern Kamunting detention centre on Friday.


Anonymous said…
What are you trying to tell here?
raveendran nair said…
You will understand my message if you work as a security analyst otherwise take it as an info.
Anonymous said…
So you are security analyst? U are bias towards only Tamil Elam.
U are not anylyst. You only disguist. You are pro to Tamil Elam.
raveendran nair said…
Vanakam Mr./Mrs. Anonymous. I always believe, "we must agree to disagree" and I leave it to the readers to define whether I'm bias or pro-Tamil. I stand on humanitarian basis. The ethnic conflict was not between the Sinhalese vs Tamilian but it's humanitarian issues which need the international interference since the related government fail to look on political solutions. The failure of political solution contributed to arm struggle. Any way thank you for visiting my blog and I'm open for your critic.
Anonymous said…
Typical minded of State Terrorist supporter. If you talk against the State Terrorism then they think, you are LTTE supporter. Even when the foreign reporters wrote about the state terrorism then they call the reporter as white tigers.... stupid conotation. Brader Ravee, I believe you are right. Advocating the human rights not means you are against the GOSL. Continue and I'm with you.

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