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No Action Talk Only

o far I didn't read any documents suggesting the concrete solutions to end the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Definitely the war is not at the end as proclaimed by GOSL. While the GOSL facing the difficulties to out-do the people's supported movement the killing of the innocent’s is continuing. Even though the GOSL said they have created the safe zone yet the civilians are dying everyday inside the so-called safe zone. Hospitals under attacks and many civilians are dying without proper medication and starvation. The existent of genocide are very strong in Eelam yet the world super powers are busy debating on political solutions without the actions. The continuous artillery barrage, air attacks and cluster bombing is a sign of deliberate, systematic act of genocide by GOSL. The picture shows, two Tamil youth was burnt to dead beyond the recognition in Kaneaspuram area in Vavuniyaa district. Both of them were abducted by unknown gunmen who the local believe was SLA personnel. How long the world powerful Security Council will talk without any actions?